01252 796 090

NCC Entertainment Licensing

Businesses, organisations and individuals who want to provide types of entertainment may require a licence or other authorisation from a licensing authority - a local council.

This online short-course will cover the subject of Entertainment Licensing, which forms part of the overall Licensing Act 2003 along with Alcohol Licensing.

The course will provide guidance, legislation information and case-studies for those businesses in the caravan industry who need to ensure that they operate in accordance with licensing laws and where required, apply for the necessary licenses.

There is an assessment at the end of this course to consolidate the knowledge gained whilst completing this course.

Course Fee:

NCC MEMBER: £35.00

AWS MEMBER: £40.00

NON - MEMBER: £45.00


All prices are per person and exclusive of VAT.



On successful completion of this course and assessment we will email you your certificate of achievement.


Approximately 1 hour.  The length of time taken, depends entirely on how quickly you can study and absorb the material.  You can proceed as quickly or slowly as you like.

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